13.12 - 19:05

Career in social work


Career in social work

Students in the Social Work program acquire the knowledge, skills and values to move from a general approach to social work to leading innovative practice in a specialized field defined by a population, issue or type of practice that incorporates principles of respect for diversity, social inclusion and social justice . Admission to the Kyiv Institute of Business and Technology for the above specialty will help you develop the ability to critically analyze values, theory, research, and existing practical approaches in your chosen field of specialization. You will have the opportunity to master theories, research, policy and practice suitable for in-depth study, including critical analysis of the social construction of theory and practice that can reflect injustice.

What is social work?

The social worker profession helps to improve people's well-being and meet their needs. Social workers provide therapy or resources to help individuals and communities cope with economic, social, or personal problems.

Who do social workers work with?

Social work allows you to work with people who have problems in their lives. Child protection service workers help children, teenagers and families. Social workers of justice and correctional institutions work with prisoners. Social workers work in schools, children's institutions and medical institutions.

Why pursue a career in the social sphere

People interested in a meaningful, people-oriented profession should consider a career as a social worker. Social workers help others earn a living. They serve at-risk individuals, communities and organizations. Social workers help those in need achieve their goals, access social services, and determine treatment options. Career paths for social workers are varied and can be rewarding.

Some of the benefits of a career as a social worker include:

- the ability to positively influence individuals, families and communities by counseling them and connecting them to resources;

- work with different population groups, including veterans, the elderly, people with chronic diseases;

- a career that advocates for positive changes in politics and communities;

- strong projected employment growth over the next decade

Social work allows you to build a career in countless specialties and settings, including colleges, nonprofits, nursing homes, and government agencies. You can also become a licensed clinical social worker who counsels and treats mental, behavioral, and emotional disorders.

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