12.09 - 18:36

Regressive hypnosis: diving into the past of the mind


Regressive hypnosis is a technique used in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy that allows a person to go back to past moments in their life or even childhood in order to explore and resolve psychological problems.

In this state of hypnosis, a person can remember and relive events that have remained in the subconscious, as well as view them from a new, more understanding and distant position. During regressive hypnosis, the patient is in a deep trance state where the mind becomes more open to memories and inner experiences.

A hypnotherapist can guide a person through different stages of their life, starting from the present and moving back to childhood or even previous incarnations, depending on the goals of the session. Through the process of regressive hypnosis, emotional trauma, repressed memories, and unresolved conflicts can be identified and resolved.

This allows the person to become aware of their emotional reactions, understand the roots of negative beliefs and behavioral patterns, and eventually work to overcome them. One of the important aspects of regressive hypnosis is that a person in a trance state can experience past events from a new perspective.

This can help change his perception and attitude towards the past, as well as towards himself. Regressive hypnosis can also be used to explore creative and resourceful states to enhance personal development and goal achievement. It is important to note that regressive hypnosis requires an experienced and skilled hypnotherapist who can create a safe and supportive environment for the patient.

This method can be an effective tool for dealing with psychological problems, but its application must be done with respect for the individual needs and boundaries of each patient.



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