14.09 - 20:30

Tanning Oils: Myths and Reality


In the desire to have a golden tan, many of us use tanning oils, hoping for a quick and even result. However, it is worth understanding that tanning oils may not always be an effective and safe way to get a sun-kissed skin tone. This practice is accompanied by certain myths and real risks that are important to consider before using such products.

Myth 1: Tanning oils provide a quick and deep tan One of the common myths is the belief that tanning oils contribute to quick and intense tanning. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Tanning oils can cause the skin to redden quickly, but this does not mean a deep and lasting tan. A quick tan can be the result of UV damage to the skin, which can lead to liver spots and even skin cancer.

Myth 2: Tanning oils protect against sunburn Some tanning oils have SPF filters in them, which many believe can protect against sunburn. However, SPF filters in tanning oils are usually not effective enough because their concentration is usually low and they do not provide full protection against UV radiation. For the sake of your own health, it is better to use special sunscreens with an appropriate SPF factor.

Real Risk 1: Risk of Burns and Skin Damage Tanning oils may contain ingredients that increase the risk of burns and skin damage. Some of them can contribute to deeper penetration of UV radiation, which can lead to skin cell damage and premature aging.

Real Risk 2: Increased Risk of Skin Cancer Using tanning oils can increase your risk of skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun or solarium is already a risk factor for the development of this type of cancer. The use of tanning oils can increase exposure to ultraviolet radiation and contribute to the formation of malignant tumors. Real

Risk 3: Changes in Skin Pigmentation and Premature Aging Tanning oils can cause uneven skin pigment changes, resulting in spots and an unhealthy shade. Constant use of tanning oils can also lead to premature aging of the skin, wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Conclusion: Using tanning oils can be a dangerous and unreliable way to get a tan. Their effect on the skin can be negative, leading to damage, risk of cancer and premature aging.

Instead, the best approach is to use sunscreen with sufficient SPF, wear protective clothing, and limit time spent in direct sunlight. Healthy skin is the best result to strive for.



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