25.09 - 17:51

Dry mouth: biochemical mechanism revealed and prospects for treatment


Dry mouth is an unpleasant symptom that many people face. This can be the result of various factors, including certain diseases.

Scientists at the University of Rochester have discovered a biochemical mechanism that controls the body's release of secretions such as saliva and digestive juices, a discovery that could have important implications for understanding and treating various diseases, including Sjogren's syndrome.

A key component of body fluid secretion is calcium, which is present in all body cells. An increase in the concentration of calcium inside the cell to a certain level leads to the opening of molecular channels necessary for the synthesis and release of secretions. However, in Sjogren's syndrome, there is a lack of calcium, which can lead to dry mouth, difficulty swallowing and chewing.

In order for calcium ions to enter the cell, it is necessary to open calcium channels. Scientists have established that all four parts of the IP3 receptor, which is responsible for opening calcium channels, are necessary for the proper functioning of these channels and the release of secretions.

This is an important regulatory mechanism that helps avoid excess calcium ions that can be harmful to cells. Fewer subunits would not be sufficient to open the channel and could lead to severe disruption. Sjogren's syndrome is a serious condition that can lead to oral infections, tooth loss, pancreatitis, and other serious consequences.

To date, there are no effective methods of treating this syndrome, but understanding the biochemical mechanism of calcium ion control may contribute to the development of new methods of treatment for this and other diseases.

Dry mouth can be a very unpleasant symptom, and it can be caused by a variety of factors, including disease. Identifying the biochemical mechanism that regulates secretions in the body is an important step in understanding and treating this phenomenon and other diseases. Research in this area may in the future lead to the development of new treatments that will help improve patients' quality of life.



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