23.02 - 10:18

How to remove eyelash extensions yourself: safe and effective methods


How to remove eyelash extensions yourself: safe and effective methods

Eyelash extensions are a popular procedure in the beauty world that allows you to get thick and long eyelashes without the use of mascara. However, when your eyelash extensions start to look sloppy or you need to remove them for any reason, it's important to do it correctly and safely.

First and foremost, you should see a professional who can remove your eyelash extensions safely and without damaging your natural lashes. A professional artist knows how to properly tear the glue used for extensions to avoid damage to the eyelashes and the skin of the eyelids.

If visiting a salon isn't possible, there are a few ways you can try at home. First of all, you can try to remove eyelash extensions using special solutions or oils. To do this, you need to dip a cotton pad in a solution or oil and carefully wipe the base of artificial eyelashes with it. Try to do this carefully so as not to damage the natural eyelashes.

Another way is to use steam. To do this, you need to pour hot water into a bowl and, bending over it, cover your head with a towel so that the steam does not escape. The steam for a few minutes will help develop the glue that holds the lashes in place and make them easier to remove.

You can also try to remove eyelash extensions by carefully using a massage or a knife. Care must be taken with this method, as clumsy removal can damage the eyelashes and skin.

It is not recommended to remove eyelash extensions yourself using forceful actions such as plucking or peeling. This can cause extensive damage to the eyelashes and skin, and will ultimately require more time and effort to recover.

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