12.03 - 10:30

Why do heartbeats often occur on unsafe nights: a secret was revealed yesterday


Why do heartbeats often occur on unsafe nights: a secret was revealed yesterday

Often the heartbeat at night is a revelation that there is a lot of wealth. A recent study by a team at the University of Michigan found that the problem may be more serious than previously thought. It has recently become clear that people who often suffer from heart-wake up at night are at greater risk of suffering from a heart attack or stroke at the same rate as those who do not feel it.

The investigation showed that the main cause of heart palpitations at night is disruption of the heart rhythm, known as atrial fibrillation. It’s okay if the upper chambers of the heart beat incorrectly and smoothly. This can lead to the development of blood clots in the heart, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

It has also been established that heart palpitations at night can be caused by poor sleep. Insufficient sleep or disrupted sleep can affect the functioning of the heart and increase the risk of developing heart disease. It is important to maintain a healthy sleep routine and improve sleep quality.

Another thing that can affect your heart at night is stress. Stress can increase the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can disrupt the rhythm of the heart. It is therefore important to deal with stress and take steps for this change.

Avoiding drinking alcohol and drinking in the evening can also help your hearts at night. These drinks can stimulate the activity of the cardiovascular system and alleviate impaired heart rhythm. It is therefore important to separate their activities, especially in the evening.

In conclusion, the study reinforces the importance of a healthy way of living and respect for good sleep. People who suffer from heart problems at night are advised to consult a doctor for professional advice and possible methods of treatment and prevention.

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