19.04 - 21:58

New research: how to avoid heart failure with ease


New research: how to avoid heart failure with ease

A recent study conducted by a group of scientists found that something as simple as eating the right amount of fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart failure. Heart failure is a condition in which the heart cannot adequately supply the body with blood, an extremely common disease that causes significant problems for patients and the health care system.

The study showed that regular consumption of fruits and vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing heart failure by 26%. The study was conducted on a large number of patients with varying degrees of risk of cardiovascular disease, and its results are extremely encouraging for everyone who wants to maintain their health.

Although the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables have been known for a long time, this study once again emphasizes the importance of these foods for heart health. Scientists recommend consuming them in large quantities, because they contain a large number of useful substances, such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which ensure the optimal functioning of the heart.

However, it is also important to note that eating fruits and vegetables is not a panacea for heart failure. The risk of developing the disease depends on many factors, such as lifestyle, genetic predisposition, and others. Therefore, in addition to proper nutrition, it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle in general, including physical activity and giving up bad habits.

Overall, this research opens up new opportunities to prevent heart failure in simple and affordable ways. Eating fruits and vegetables is not only tasty, but also good for heart health

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